Life Skills Study Programme

applications FOR 2024 NOW OPEN






Our Life Skills Study Programme consists of exciting short courses that are presented from February to November. Each course in the programme is presented by a lecturer who is well versed and experienced in the respective field of study.
We pride ourselves on exceptionally high standards of education. Our Lecturers practice what they preach and are handpicked from the best South Africa has to offer. Classes are presented in interactive studios and workshops that allow students to practice their new skills in real world scenarios.
The programme includes (not limited to) hands-on practical work, excursions, assignments and endless fun activities.

Each course has its own Study Guide and students are required to do assignments, as well as writing tests at the end of each course. All courses completed successfully are listed on the student’s Equilibria Life Skills Certificate.


Each course/activity lasts one week


Ice Break Camp

Orientation week

Fitness course

Positive Thinking course

Health and Nutrition course

Christian Apologetics Seminar

Safety and Self-defense course

Financial skills course

Career Planning Course



Study skills course

Career Research: Interviews

Christian Camp

Career Research: Job shadowing

Emotional Intelligence course

Career Research: Student Shadowing

Legal skills course

Culinary skills course

Communication course

First Aid Level 1 course

Etiquette course



Wine Appreciation course

Time & Stress Management course

Interior Design course

Work Ethics Course

Style and Image course

Social Dancing Course

Critical Thinking Course

Relationship Skills course

Photography course

Film Festival



Adventure Camp

Character Building course

Community project Part 1

Community project Part 2

Theory examination

Farewell party & Certification

Israel Tour



Venue to be announced

You will:

Get to know your classmates
Engage in team-building activities
Learn what to expect from equilibria

Fitness Course

You will:

Establish your own fitness programme
Set your own health and fitness goals
Receive an individual fitness assessment
Discover various fun ways to exercise
Learn how to maintain a healthy body weight


Financial skills programme

You will learn:

Money management skills
Budgeting for long term financial commitments
How to choose the best banking options
How to save money
How to make a lucrative investments


Health and nutrition course

You will learn how:

To eat for abundant energy
To eat to prevent degenerative diseases
To make healthy snacks and smoothies
To maintain an ideal body weight
To detoxify your body


Positive Thinking Course

You will learn how to:

Cultivate positive self-talk
Deal with failure in a constructive way
To overcome limiting thinking patterns
Overcome, fear, worry and doubt
Develop a winning attitude in life


Communication Course

You will learn how to:

Conversate and socialise
Be effective in conflict resolution
Enhance your active listening skills
Speak with confidence
Write professional emails
Give and receive negative feedback


Career planning course

You will:

Identify your unique strengths and weaknesses
Determine your true passions and interests
Understand your personality type
Discover your work style preferences
Find out about several study options
Match your personality type with careers


Safety and Self Defense course

You will learn to:

Be effective in lifesaving self-defense techniques
Prevent and deal with criminal situations
Protect yourself in dangerous situations
Practice road safety principles


Work ethics course

You will learn how to:

Write a compelling CV
Conduct yourself in job interviews
Be task-orientated and dependable
Dress professionally for work
Apply emotional intelligence in a workplace


Relationship course

You will learn how to:

Build healthy relationships
Forgive and heal from past relationships
To defuse and be calm in disagreements
Choose a suitable life partner


Culinary skills course

You will learn:

Culinary traditions of cultures of the world
A range of quick and easy cooking techniques
Effective knife and precision cutting skills
Which herbs and spices to pair with specific foods
Meal planning techniques


Study skills course

You will learn how to:

Identify your unique style of learning
Approach studies in a tertiary institution
Improve memory and concentration
Handle test and examination anxiety
Stay motivated and disciplined while studying



First Aid level 1 course

You will learn how to:

Perform CPR
Check for vital signs
Take care of wounds and burns
Treat fractures
Handle emergency situations


Legal skills course

You will learn how to:

Avoid common legal mistakes
Read contractual agreements
Conduct yourself in court
Legal principles that apply to social media


Etiquette Course

You will learn:

Golden rules of social etiquette
Polite email and cell phone etiquette
Graceful dating and dinner party etiquette
Etiquette that applies to special occasions
How to eat intercultural foods


Wine appreciation Course

You will learn how to:

Appreciate quality wine
Pair wine with different types of foods
Taste wine correctly
Serve and store wine correctly


EmotiOnal intelligence Course

You will learn how to:

Control your emotions in a crisis
Express emotions effectively
Handle emotions during conflict
Find your own and others’ emotional profile
Develop an emotional vocabulary


Christian apologetics seminar

You will learn how to:

Defend your faith and discern the truth about Christianity
Debate if scripture is reliable
Debate tricky questions and receive answers
Discuss the reality of evil, God and science


Interior design course

You will learn:

To discover your unique decorating style
The aesthetic principles of interior design
About new trends in interior decorating
How to renovate old furniture
How to use colours for creative effects
How to create DIY pieces 

Critical thinking Course

You will:

Ask challenging questions about life
Increase your general knowledge
Question assumptions and think critically
Develop your world view
Investigate ethical issues and seek solutions

Social dancing course

You will learn:

The steps of popular social dances
To project self-confidence on the dance floor
How to dance with grace and elegance
How to have great dancing etiquette
How to lead a partner when dancing


Time & stress management

You will:

Learn to live a balanced lifestyle
Increase your focus and work efficiency
Do stress relief techniques
Learn how to prevent burnout
Learn how to plan your time based on your values

Photography course

You will learn:

The principles of great photography
The main technical aspects of a camera
How to take creative photos
How to do studio photography
How to achieve a great composition
To work with natural and artificial lighting